XUV/EUV X-ray Optics

NTT-AT has developed and sold many kinds of optical elements to manipulate X-rays and extreme ultraviolet for a long time. They have acquired a high-level reputation for their design and production technologies that have been cultivated by co-development with many researchers of synchrotron radiation science, attosecond science, and ultra-intense physics in the world. The Fresnel zone plate provided by NTT-AT has been used in synchrotron radiation facilities because of its high focusing efficiency and high x-ray irradiation durability. The resolution evaluation chart is recognized as the de facto standard and used not only in academic field but also in development sites of X-ray inspection machine. XUV multilayer mirror and XUV filter support leading-edge attosecond science and are applied to next generation lithography research. NTT-AT, providing not only elements but also optical systems, is the best partner for customers who engage in research and development in the XUV, EUV, and X-ray fields.

EUV mirror / soft X-ray mirror

X ray filter

UV Focusing Lens

Toroidal mirrors

XUV Dichroic Mirrors

EUV Half mirror

X-ray grating

Multilayer Polarizer

XUV Transmission Grating
Ideal for HHG (high harmonic generation) spectro...

EUV Test Patterns

X-ray chart